Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Battle in New Orleans

I am aware that my ‘audience’ is a small one and that you are probably not the least bit aware or interested in what is going in in New Orleans this week. Okay now you’re at least intrigued, right? Drumroll, please. The Southern Baptist Convention.

Now that the cricket effect has worn off let me tell why this is such a big deal. Two events are going to take place that have historical implications.

This one brings a smile to my face. For the first time in history an African-American is going to be elected president of the SBC. It gives us a chance to look back and see how far the SBC has come over the last 160 years. The convention has a history of racism that lasted through the civil rights era when many SBC pastors rejected the idea of integration, while others remained silent. What is about to happen any minute in New Orleans deserves celebration and reflection.

Now for historical event number two. This is not a first for history nor does it earn two thumbs up. In fact, it has repeated itself throughout history, and in my opinion, is starting to get really old. The conflict in the SBC between those who hold differing views on election has peaked. To be honest, it is embarrassing.

The whole Calvinism/Armenian war has gone on for centuries. Yes, it is a war. I wish it were merely a theological debate that was limited to Bible college dorm rooms and friends who share a love for each other and their Savior.  Of course, it is inevitable that the evangelical blogosphere is full of theologians who think they can solve hundreds of years of disagreement with a five paragraph comment on every blog post that mentions the subject.

Unfortunately, we cannot ban every idiot from the internet. That being said, I would be okay if the evangelical blogosphere was as far as the war went. Sadly, it is not. This week the battlefield is New Orleans. The SBC is in the national spotlight due to the historic election, and yet we’re going to allow this age old argument turn into a war and steal the show.

In John 13:35 Jesus Christ himself say that it is our love for each other that lets people know we are His. So while the world is watching, instead of displaying Christ-like love for each other, we’re going to go to battle. Many will be beating the drums of war instead of waving the banner of the cross and celebrating the racial reconciliation that God has provided.

Congratulations to Ed Luter Jr. on being elected president of the SBC
When will we ever learn to stop attempting to elevate our theological preferences above the preeminence of Christ? I don’t have a beef with either position. I do however have a problem when the arguments of men threaten to steal the show from the risen Lamb of God.

So get over yourself. Stop being so militant, stop crying heresy, and exhibit the love that distinguishes us from the world. Enjoy the fellowship of your brothers in Christ, celebrate this historic event for the Convention, and recharge so you can go home and feed your people.

1 comment:

  1. Here is a recap of how the convention played out posted by Al Moehler...

